Sailing Courses

Outdoor Activities Hertfordshire

4.7 121 reviews

Sailing Courses

RYA stage 1 and Stage 2

Stage 1: Is for the complete beginner. It includes basic theory and practical skills of sailing. This course is run over three days and will give you an introduction to sailing. The course will get you familiar with boats and how they work and focuses on time out on the water. By the end of the course, you will have the basic understanding of dinghy-handling techniques and background knowledge.

Stage 2: Is for those who want to improve their existing skills. This course is run over three days and will provide you with the perfect opportunity to master the basics and allow you to sail a dinghy safely out on the water in light winds and learn some new manoeuvres. These courses can be delivered in a range of craft, but mainly through our Coypu, Wayfarer and Pico fleets. It allows you to develop the skills learnt in Level 1-Start Sailing and learn new ones such as man over boards

RYA Level 1 Start Sailing 18+

An introduction to sailing dinghies for complete beginners, covering everything you need to know to get you afloat under supervision.

RYA Level 2 Basic Skills Sailing 18+

Build on your existing skills and improve your confidence to be able to sail competently in light winds.

Sailing Courses - Outdoor Activities Hertfordshire

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3. Have Fun & Get Fit
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Why choose Herts Young Mariners Base
63+ YearsOf Outdoor Activities
At HYMB our instructors hold the relevant qualifications and are checked & tested regularly.
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Better self-confidence and social interaction.
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